The Benefits of Outsourcing

calendar_today November 2, 2022

Think about what can be accomplished in 54 ½ hours. In that time, you could…

  • Watch 20 1/2 professional baseball games
  • Cook an 18-pound turkey with all the fixings … 13 consecutive times
  • Drive from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and back … 6 times

While those are all great ideas for someone who loves sports, Thanksgiving dinners and Pennsylvania, they aren’t exactly practical for everyone else. But looking at 54 ½ hours from the standpoint of your advisory firm, that’s nearly seven working days … more than an entire work week.

So, what’s the significance of 54 ½ hours? It’s not just a random number drawn out of a hat. It’s the annual amount of time typically spent by an RIA to invest one client in a limited partnership. Between middle-office processes, reporting, distribution and operational task coordination, an average private wealth advisory firm spends more than a week every year on the technical complexities of a single client.

When you multiply that by the number of clients at your firm, the workload on your staff is surprising. To illustrate how the time adds up, consider one-time tasks, recurring tasks, and annual tasks associated with the LP.

For the example below, imagine this RIA’s client is invested in six funds, with six capital calls per fund/per year.

This is where PPB Capital Partners can provide support. PPB’s experienced operations team is composed of experts in the fund accounting and reporting duties associated with alternative investments. We completely manage all operational tasks—more than 45 tasks—associated with the fund and deliver them back to your firm as streamlined processes.

Reap the benefits of outsourcing to PPB. Reduce the workload on your staff and have them direct their energy to making investment decisions, managing relationships with clients or prospecting for new ones.

Engage our team, so you can use your newly found 54 ½ hours in a way that’s most practical for your firm.

1 Times are estimated and not guaranteed by PPB Capital Partners
2 Ancillary activities are related to tasks specific to the limited partnership, such as re-titling subscription documents, answering inquiries from clients, etc.