PPB Volunteers With Local High School

calendar_today February 18, 2020

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PPB is pleased to participate as a volunteer mentor in the Internship course being offered at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School (PWHS) for high school seniors.

The course encourages workplace appropriate internships that offer students the opportunity to gain “real-world” skills prior to their high school graduation.  The graduating seniors are able to learn and experience the careers they will pursue, either post-High School or post-College.

As PPB’s newest intern, Brett F. shares, “Most high school students go into the workforce or [their chosen] college major without knowing the reality of their respective field. Internship students [benefit from] this opportunity.”

PPB’s leadership team felt participating with PWHS was an excellent companion to the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Co-op program that PPB has participated in for many years. As Brendan Lake shares, “We think these programs are exceptional. At PPB we are passionate about providing opportunities for these students. We enjoy working with them, developing them, and allowing each student to come alongside the daily operation of our business. Mentoring students is rewarding as we see them mature and ultimately contribute back to PPB. We look forward to working with Brett and PWHS.”

For more information about PPB’s Co-op and Internship programs, contact Danette Wilson, Managing Director, Marketing & Communications at