Get to Know Alyssa Nefferdorf of PPB Capital Partners

calendar_today October 19, 2022

As you read through the answers from Alyssa Nefferdorf in our latest installment of “Getting to Know…”, you’ll understand that this famous quote may be her North Star:

“The memories we make with our family is everything.”

As Director of Fund Operations, her day job may be to oversee the team that maintains the vital day-to-day relationship with PPB’s wealth advisory partners, but her “full-time job” is a dedicated mother and wife who knows how to truly appreciate the time she spends with her family.

And she does it all with a smile and a positive attitude (unless she’s doing laundry or hunting for disappearing rogue socks).


Name: Alyssa Nefferdorf
Title: Director, Fund Operations
Hometown: Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
College: Neumann College
Years at PPB: Nearly seven years


  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
    I have two favorites: “You will never know unless you ask” and “Trust your gut.”
  1. Think about your favorite teacher or professor from high school or college. What was it about them that made an impression on you?
    Mr. Miller – He taught The History of WWII. I am most definitely not a history buff in any sense, but he had a natural excitement and passion for teaching that made the class so interesting. He always found ways to teach lessons so we could relate. I booked a trip to Washington D.C. to visit the Holocaust Museum to complete my final project.
  1. In your opinion, what is a fundamental characteristic of a good person?
    A good person is someone who genuinely cares for others, is kind and honest.
  1. Which is more useful and why … intelligence or wisdom?
    I think that answer depends on the situation because both could be equally useful. Although, I think you could be intelligent without being wise. But by having wisdom, you have a certain level of intelligence.
  1. What is a non-work-related goal you are working toward right now?
    Life is short. I’m making sure to spend as much time as possible with family and friends as we are creating memories.
  1. Describe an experience that took your breath away or left you speechless.
    Holding my kids for the first time. The most precious things in world.
  1. You’re out on the town with your friends and it’s karaoke night. What song are you choosing?
    Any song by Celine Dion … You just can’t help but sing along!
  1. When in elementary school, what did you what to be when you grew up?
    I wanted to be an astronaut or a CPA. An astronaut because it sounded super cool and a CPA because I was told they made the money!
  1. Which household chore do you hate the most?
    Laundry! It never ends, and the magical disappearing socks drive me crazy.
  1. You can only choose one dessert. Are you taking ice cream or cake?
    Ice cream … all day!
  1. If Hollywood were to make a movie about your life, which genre would it be, and who would play you?
    It would be an action/adventure movie and Jennifer Lawrence would play me.
  1. What TV show is next on your list to binge watch?
    The Blacklist
  1. What is your favorite family tradition?
    We have acquired quite a few over the years, but my favorite are the ones leading up to Christmas. Decorating the tree/house, making cookies (with epic fails), listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies.
  1. If you’re making the perfect pizza, what toppings are you adding?
    I would try to replicate a piece of pizza I had in New Orleans. It was such a weird combo, but it was the best pizza I’ve ever had. It was something like an apple cinnamon pizza pie.
  1. If you were an Olympic athlete, in which sport/event would you compete?
    I completed in the Junior Olympics in track and field, so I would have to say that… although my body might not agree these days!