Getting to Know Matt Williams of PPB Capital Partners

calendar_today July 20, 2023

The next member of the PPB Capital Partners’ staff to profile is Matt Williams, Associate, Advisor Relations. Matt is close to celebrating his first anniversary at the firm, but you would think he’s been here for years.

Pulling back the curtain, his answers to our questions are quite revealing. From karaoke night to a great piece of advice, a sitcom instead of a movie and perhaps the most unique choice of what to witness if he went back in time, Matt gives us some great responses.

Enjoy getting to know him!

Name: Matt Williams
Title: Associate, Advisor Relations
Hometown: Haddonfield, NJ
College: High Point University
Years at PPB: First year

  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
    You can have anything, but you can’t have everything.
  2. Think about your favorite teacher or professor from high school or college. What was it about them that made an impression on you?
    My French professors in college left an immense impact on me, and I keep in touch with them years later because they took a genuine interest in my life—in and out of the classroom.
  3. What did you find to be the biggest surprise of working with alternative investments?
    There are so many interesting and different strategies, some that I didn’t even know existed until I received exposure to them.
  4. What was the biggest influence on you working in the alternative investments industry?
    Formerly an advisor myself, I fully buy into the value that an allocation to alts can add to an investor’s portfolio and overall plan.
  5. If you could invite 3 famous people (living or dead) to your house for a dinner party, who is on the guest list, and what would you serve?
    I’d serve Berkshire pork chops grilled using a Big Green Egg to Gordon Ramsay, Jocko Willink, and Billy Joel.
  6. What is the one book you would recommend to anyone (and why)?
    A powerful story that is symbolic of life and how I believe one should approach it (do what you love, embrace the unknown, and never give up) … The Old Man and the Sea.
  7. Which is more useful and why … intelligence or wisdom?
    Wisdom. Intelligence demonstrates knowledge, but wisdom demonstrates understanding.
  8. Who is the most engaging person you’ve ever heard speak in public?
    Nido Quebein, who was the president at High Point University when I was an undergraduate. It’s impossible not to be motivated after hearing him speak.
  9. Describe an experience that took your breath away or left you speechless.
    Visiting Gold and Omaha Beaches in Normandy, France, where D-Day occurred. Seeing the giant craters from artillery shells is a humbling experience.
  10. You’re out on the town with your friends and it’s karaoke night. What song are you choosing?
    “Man! I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain – I will sing this even if it is not karaoke night.
  11. Which household chore do you hate the most?
    I love cooking, but I dread cleaning up afterwards.
  12. If you could have one superpower, what would it be, and why?
    I’d love to be able to fly so I can look down on the traffic on I-76 (one of the main thoroughfares in/out/around Philadelphia) every day.
  13. If Hollywood were to make a movie about your life, which genre would it be, and who would play you?
    Jason Bateman would play me, but it would be a sitcom, not a movie.
  14. Imagine you could go back in time. Which moment in history would you choose to see?
    The construction of the Egyptian pyramids.
  15. You have 1 hour and a limitless credit card for a shopping spree in the store of your choice. At which store would it be?
    Amazon since I can get anything I want and have it delivered tomorrow.

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