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Taking Stock on the Current State of Markets + Geopolitics Many of the highly anticipated developments in capital markets and geopolitics of 2024 did not disappoint. As we dissect the events over the course of the year, we recognize new areas of opportunity. Our latest outlook explores important themes for your radar. Highlights include: Download […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
Bridging the U.S. Housing Gap Since 1960, the population of the United States has increased by approximately 85% to 334 million people. Despite this immense growth, the number of housing starts per million has declined significantly during the same time. This imbalance, coupled with Americans’ demand for larger homes, resulted in a housing crisis. Like […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
Six Themes to Watch in Private Markets. It’s an interesting time for investors to think about new ways to diversify and differentiate portfolios. Overvalued stocks, especially on the technology side, may be a good indication for investors to take gains and diversify. Can alternative investments play a role in helping to drive returns when the […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
Real Estate Bust. Right time, wrong place. Analysts and journalists have long been discussing the impending commercial real estate collapse in the US. However, European deals have already fallen off a cliff in both value and volume. Significant and sticky inflation caused the implementation of aggressive monetary policy that has essentially brought the real estate […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
After a multi-year push for a “return to office” for employees, many have found work-from-home and hybrid accommodations to be a sticky benefit, with office landlords and investors feeling the brunt of this societal change.
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
By Frank A. Burke, CFA, CAIA, Chief Investment Officerand Anton W. Golding, Associate, Fund Manager Analyst In the Rearview Mirror Though it has already been three full years, it will be nearly impossible to ever forget the enormous impacts COVID-19 and the resulting lockdown had on our society. The time was marked by empty streets, […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
By Frank A. Burke, CFA, CAIA, Chief Investment Officer, PPB Capital PartnersandAnton W. Golding, Fund Manager Analyst, PPB Capital Partners Thanks to a little nudge from Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, it seems that Dorothy was onto something. With real estate prices soaring, much like Dorothy’s home in that famous Kansas twister, and […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
With volatility continuing to deteriorate investor confidence, and inflation pressures demonstratively impacting corporate profits last week, public equities have continued their downward slide thus far in 2022. Regardless of the chosen adjective—be it valiant, noble or bold—the Federal Reserve’s aggressive effort to combat inflation at all costs will have implications for all risk assets through […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
With October’s inflation number coming in at 6.2%1, this adds to the growing fears of longer-term core inflationary pressures. Investors have begun to look at inflation hedges such as gold and even crypto assets. Volatility has crept back into the markets as allocators are expecting a quicker than previously anticipated Fed reaction to taper the […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...
Conshohocken, PA, March 16, 2021 – The last few weeks have seen increased volatility in the equity markets as rates have begun to creep back up surrounding inflation fears and investors temporarily pulling out of big tech names that have driven the S&P’s performance for the past few years. As more and more people are vaccinated, […]
Speak to anyone who currently has teen or preteen children, and many of them will tell you that their kids spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the screen of their smartphone or tablet. In many ways, that 2-D world has overtaken their personal interactions with 3-D people...