Your Connection to Premier Alternatives with a Full-Service Alternative Investments Partner

Build a more effective private market platform

PPB Capital Partners is a full-service alternative investment provider that meets wealth advisors like you, in their private market investment journey.

Take the next step to effectively managing your alternative investing program

    That can mean providing access to highly differentiated funds and managers through what is historically known as “feeder funds” and white-labeled customized solutions, all bringing operational efficiencies to support your businesses.

    Here’s how:

    Robust investment process and strategies
    Often known as “feeder funds” or “platform funds,” our team provides differentiated, durable alternative investment funds, spawned by peer collaboration, accessible to the private wealth community at favorable entry points.

    Operational and cost efficiency
    Our solutions deliver scale and infrastructure by leveraging our in-house operations team to seamlessly execute the day-to-day management of alternative funds at a favorable price.

    Aligned with wealth advisors’ priorities
    Conflicts of interest can arise. PPB is proud of the fact that we are 100% employee- and family-office-owned. That means we do not need to seek outside approval from private equity investors for our decisions, allowing us to achieve fiduciary standards and avoid potential conflicts of interest.

    Whether you currently offer a full suite of alternative managers or you are investigating new asset classes for the first time, PPB’s flexible, customized model meets you to help fulfill your private market vision.

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